Project information

  • Category: Bubble Web App
  • Description: AI tool for vacation itinerary recommendations
  • Founded by: Rhea Williams
  • Nationality: Jamaica
  • Development hours: 18 hours
  • Development cost: Only $180
  • Money saved: $500
  • Access to the app: Private access


The Vacation Planner is a sophisticated AI-powered web application designed to offer personalized vacation itineraries. Tailored to your destination, type of vacation, budget, dates, and group size, it provides customized suggestions complete with visual previews and detailed insights, including reasons to visit, optimal travel methods, and costs for transportation, entry, and dining. Additionally, the app recommends suitable accommodations with nightly rates and furnishes comprehensive information about the destination, covering geography, climate, language, population, optimal visiting times, currency, payment methods, history, and cultural insights. Itineraries and hotel details can be conveniently downloaded as PDFs.